Categories: Women

Endometriosis Tests and Causes,Symptoms of Endometriosis?

Women cope with specific ailments and disorders related to hormones and sexual developments in life. Endometriosis is one such example affecting a significant number of women worldwide. It is a condition in which endometrial tissue grows in an unusual way outside of the uterus. The endometrial tissue is found in locations in female body like the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, membrane lining of the pelvic cavity, the bowel and surface of the uterus. In rare cases, Endometriosis tests can take place outside the pelvis and vagina.

Who Get Affected by Endometriosis?

Endometriosis tests are mostly impacts women in their reproductive years. It is a major factor causing pelvic pain. Studies indicate a significant number of women opting for infertility treatments actually have this condition. Most of the women afflicted with Endometriosis belong to 25 to 35 years age group though this is not strictly so. In rare cases, it may affect girls attaining puberty. It is generally not seen in postmenopausal women. Studies indicate it is more likely to affect women who are thin, tall and have low BMI.

Causes and Symptoms of Endometriosis?

The exact cause of Endometriosis tests is yet to be discovered by medical community. One cause could be retrograde menstruation though its cause is yet to be determined. However, it has also been seen many women having retrograde menstruation may not develop Endometriosis.

What are the Symptoms of Endometriosis?


The pain location varies from one victim to another and affected areas include lower belly, lower back, rectum or vagina. Some affected women may experience pain during intercourse or bowel movements.

Unusual Bleeding:

It may also cause heavy bleeding in some affected women. The bleeding may occur when urinating or between periods.

Hassles in Conceiving:

The most commonplace symptom for the affected women is hardship in getting pregnant.

Diagnosis and Methods to find Occurrence of Endometriosis

Since endometriosis manifests itself in so many ways in female body and the symptoms can be varied, its diagnosis can often be difficult and gets delayed in several instances. Sometimes, the time between a woman suspecting she has been affected by endometriosis and the doctors confirming it can be several years.

To find out if a woman is affected by this condition, doctors may make her undergo specific endometriosis tests. Before carrying out such tests, the doctors may also ask the woman various medical question involving past health, periods, family history and symptoms.

The Major ways to Perform Endometriosis Diagnosis Involve Some Tests.

Pelvic Exam:

The pelvic exam for endometriosis tests is a major diagnosis method for the condition. The doctor may try to find location of the cysts in your pelvis region in this physical exam.


Often, ultrasound is used to diagnose this condition. It is thought to be one of the best way to diagnose endometriosis. Regular or transvaginal ultrasound may be used for this and it may help detect presence of cysts in body.


Laparoscopy is used as well to detect the condition in women after applying general anesthesia. If you are unsure regarding how to diagnose endometriosis this could be the most accurate method. This is a small surgery done by making small incision in your belly and inserting a lighted thin tube to see the interior up close. Often endometriosis blood test is used to find the occurrence.

What are The Treatment Options?

When the test results make the doctors believe you are affected by endometriosis, they will discuss feasible endometriosis treatment options.

While no specific cure for endometriosis is there, you may surely opt for a number of treatments. The type of treatment is also determined by aspects like your health, desire to conceive and existing medications and ailments etc. Sometimes, you may have to undergo more than one treatment to find out which works the best for your situation and ensure the conditions do not worsen. The major treatments for endometriosis are:

  • OTC Medications:

    If the pain is not extreme, you may try taking some OTC pain medicines like naproxen and ibuprofen. They are used to diminish pain and bleeding. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are helpful.

  • Birth Control Pills:

    A lot of women affected by the condition are advised to use birth control pills. However, you cannot use them if getting pregnant is on your agenda. Taking oral contraceptives regularly may lead to tenderness in breast and weight gain too.

  • Hormone Therapy:

    Hormone therapy may give you relief but it may lead to onset of some side effects eventually. This is also not an option when you want to conceive.

  • Surgical Interventions

    When opting for medications do not prove to be useful, women affected by endometriosis have to undergo surgical procedures to get relief. Some women opt for surgical procedures for ovary and uterus removal. However, doctors now recommend continuing with medical therapy after surgery to evade recurrence on the condition.

  • A synthetic drug named Danazol is also used to control symptoms of endometriosis tests in women. The drug basically enhances male hormone androgen and reduces estrogen in body. It’s quite effective in reducing pain but a majority of women taking this drug develop various side effects. The side effects are obesity, swelling, oily skin, acne and headache. Besides, women with heart and liver ailments should not use the drug.

Impact of Food on Endometriosis Tests

Despite the cause being unclear, there is no denying the reality endometriosis gets fueled by estrogen. So, reducing estrogen levels can help in diminishing symptoms of endometriosis. Along with medications, dietary changes can be adopted to reduce estrogen levels in a woman’s body. Eliminating foods that boost estrogen levels and eating foods that help reduce its production in body can help.

While extensive documentation showing dietary modifications can reduce or prevent symptoms of endometriosis tests are not there, one study showed enhanced intake of fruit and green vegetables does help. It also hinted at risk for those eating red meats regularly. Besides, foods that impact fertility adversely should also be evaded as the condition has link with infertility in women.

Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Sameer Kumar (MBBS, MS, FMAS, DMAS)Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Published by
Maanasi Radhakrishnan

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