Your body has a complex immune system that generates a formidable shield of protection to fend off any attacks on the body tissues. Without the protective mechanism, you will be prone to all kinds of illnesses. One such protective agent is the C-reactive protein. On this platform, you will have a chance to know all about it. In particular, you will understand why it is necessary to have a CRP blood test.
What Is CRP?
CRP or C-reactive protein is a protein that comes from the liver. It marks your body to help the tissues in dealing with tissue injury. When you injure yourself, the liver increases the production of CRP and releases it into the bloodstream. It goes to the injury to protect the area from further damage. The resultant occurrence of CRP on the injury may be pain, swelling, or redness of the place. A CRP blood test is the medical examination that measures the level of this protein in the bloodstream. In normal cases, it is a tool to monitor any triggers of inflammation. Ideally, the causes can range from bacterial and fungal infections to other autoimmune conditions. You may have to get a CRP blood test if you have any of these manifestations.
- Fever
- Chills
- Hyper heartbeat
- Nausea and vomiting
What Is The Hs-CRP Test?
The high sensitivity CRP test is a procedure to determine how low the CRP is in the bloodstream. Generally, it contrasts with the standard CRP test. While the standard CRP test determines how high the protein levels are in the blood, the hs-CRP checks on the low levels of the protein.
Doctors can recommend this test while trying to access the risks of certain diseases. A CRP test positive result is a reliable indicator of a higher risk of heart disease and stroke in a person. Having elevated cholesterol levels in your blood vessels can harden the blood arteries. Eventually, you run a risk of damaging your arteries.
CRP Blood Test Normal Range
In most cases, the CRP blood test levels should be normal unless you have an underlying condition. This may be an injury or an autoimmune condition. That aside, doctors put the normal CRP blood test range at 3.0 mg/L or below. Anything with a CRP test positive higher may require additional tests.
- CRP Blood Test Normal Range – 3.0 mg/L or below
CRP Blood Test High – Causes, Risks, And Treatment
Any CRP positive test that posts results of 10mg/L and above is classified as high. This is a cause for alarm.
The causes of high CRP levels in the blood are diverse. But the most common conditions include
- Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis
- Crohn’s disease and several other inflammatory conditions.
- Any body tissue injury
- Cancer
- Obesity
1. Heart Diseases
The elevation of CRP levels exposes the arteries to damage. This may lead to the heart to suffer gradual damage. Eventually, you register abnormal heartbeat rates and other cardiovascular conditions.
2. Stroke
Under high levels of inflammation, the brain suffers ischemic inflammation. This affects the relaying of signals to the body. Eventually, you may experience a stroke.
3. Diabetes
Though medical researchers are still grappling with the connections, it is apparent that people with a high CRP level are prone to diabetes. Recent discoveries are shedding more light on the same.
4. Cancer
Medical researches show that high CRP test positive levels are correlated with the development of cancer in adults. This puts more focus on the CRP blood test as a vital marker for the screening of cancer. If your doctor suspects the same, you may undergo a cancer CRP blood test.
The treatment of high CRP blood levels depends on the type of diagnosis the doctor finds. Under standard conditions, the doctor may advise a proper diet of anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is also potent in balancing the CRP levels.
CRP Blood Test Low – Causes, Risks, And Treatment
The CRP blood test that comes with results of less than 1.0mg/L is considered low.
The causes of these low levels are not clearly defined. Recent research indicates a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activities as the determining factor.
The significant risk of low CRP blood levels is the inability of the body to regulate the immune system. This may mean your body is exposed to more bacterial or viral attacks. Again, it may take longer for your injuries to heal.
The treatment will vary depending on what the doctor finds. Since it is not clear as to what causes these low levels, it is not outright about the treatment. Some healthy people are also registering low levels in a CRP blood test.

Doctor, author and fitness enthusiast, Ahmed Zayed, MD, is a surgery resident with a passion for helping people live a happy healthy life. He is the author of numerous health-related books and contributor to several medicine, health and wellbeing websites.