Leakage of fluid from the belly button leads to discomfiture. This is caused due to the accumulation of dirt, fungus, bacteria and other germs in the belly button. Well, belly button leaking takes place, when these germs start multiplying and lead to an infection. In these cases, you may have bloody, yellow, white or brown discharge from the belly button. These discharges may also be accompanied by an unpleasant smell. Here, you will get a detailed insight into the causes of discharge from the belly buttons, and the remedy for these issues.
Belly button discharge takes place both in male and female patients, especially if the region remains uncleaned. An American Researcher has found that the hair on the abdomen for males tends to collect fibres from soft clothing like T-shirts. The abdominal hair grows in concentric circles around the belly button and so this fluff gets directed into the belly button. He proved this by shaving his belly and found that no more fluff was deposited in his belly button until his hair grew back. He came to a conclusion that this belly button fluff will help keep the belly button dry and clean.
Causes of Belly Button Leakage
Belly button discharges may take place due to a number of reasons. Infections, cysts, and surgeries are common factors, leading to these problems. Have a look at the various factors, leading to discharge from the belly button.
Bacterial Infection:
On an average, around 70 types of bacteria can reside in the belly buttons. In case you do not keep this area clean, the bacteria can lead to infection. At that time, the smelly fluid comes out of the belly button. In other cases, piercing in the navel also leads to belly button infection. As a result of bacterial infection, a smelly fluid, green or yellow in colour, is discharged from the belly button. This can lead to pain, swelling and a scab around the region.
Yeast Infection:
Belly button infection can be caused due to infection by yeast. Candida, a yeast that grows in the dark and damp areas of the body, can lead to Candidiasis, a bacterial infection in the body. It can occur in the folds of skin, particularly in the under-arms, groin area, and the belly button. In case you do not keep the area dry and clean, chances of infection are high. A wet discharge takes place during the infection. Candidiasis in this region can lead to the formation of a red and itchy rash on the navel. You may experience a thick and white discharge from the belly button.
Diabetes is one of the key reasons for belly button leaking. People suffering from diabetes are more likely to get a yeast infection. The yeast feeds on sugar in your body. The failure to seek adequate treatment for diabetes leads to high blood sugar level in the body. These are common in both male and female patients suffering from diabetes.
In case you undergo an abdominal surgery, you may experience the discharge of pus from your belly button. People undergoing surgeries for a hernia are more likely to get these infections. In case you observe these discharges from your belly button, you need to get it treated.
Urachal Cyst:
Urachal cyst may lead to belly button discharge, particularly when the urachus does not close properly after birth. As a result, a cyst develops on the urachus, which is filled with fluid. Infection in this cyst can lead to belly button infection. In these cases, you may experience blood being discharged from the belly button.
Other symptoms of belly button infection include fever, abdominal pain, pain during urination and formation of a lump in the abdomen.
When Should you see a Doctor?
In case you observe these discharges from the belly button, you should visit the doctor. This can be a sign of an infection, especially if you had undergone a surgery. Besides, belly button infection can be accompanied by fever, redness, and tenderness of the abdomen.
The doctor examines the belly button and may be able to diagnose the cause simply by looking at the area. In certain cases, the doctor may carry the cells or the discharge from the belly button to get them tested in the laboratory. They can detect the cause after examining them and come up with the necessary treatment.
Treatment for Leaking Belly Button
The Cause of the Belly Button discharge determines the type of treatment. The Common Treatments Include:
Treating an Infection:
The skin in the belly button region has to remain clean and dry. The physician may recommend an antifungal powder to clear up the infection caused by yeast. He may also ask you to use a cream to treat the infection. You also need to keep a check on the sugar content in food. In case you have a bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe an anti-bacterial ointment. People having diabetes need to consult an endocrinologist to take care of their health.
Treating a Urachal Cyst:
In case you have a urachal cyst, you need to treat it with antibiotics at the outset. The cyst has to be drained and you can clear the infection. Then the treatment involves a laparoscopic surgery, which is performed by making a small opening in the abdomen by the doctors. If the infection is caused due to a sebaceous cyst, the doctor may inject the cyst with certain medicines to reduce the swelling. They may drain the fluid out by making a small cut in the area. You can also go for laser treatment or other surgeries to get the entire cyst removed.
Tips to Prevent Belly Button Infection
You can Reduce the Chances of Belly Button Infection in the Following Ways:
- Use a mild bacterial soap, along with water, to clean the belly button daily. The interior areas of the belly button can be cleaned with a washcloth or sponge. This will help to clean the dirt inside and prevent the infection. You can also use a saltwater solution to keep the belly button clean.
- Make sure to dry the belly button after baths. This will prevent the growth of bacteria.
- The belly button can suffer from irritation as a result of wearing tight clothes. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes, and get clothes made of natural fibers, such as cotton or silk.
- Avoid getting piercings in the belly button. This will help you to keep the area clean and prevent infection which leads to leakage of fluid. Even if you get a piercing, it should be kept clean to prevent infections.
In case you experience belly button leakage, talk to your doctor and get the necessary treatment. You need to keep the belly button clean in order to reduce the chances of infections. Prevent dirt and germs from accumulating in your belly button.
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Maanasi specializes in health topics including diet and nutrition. A mother of an untiring seven year old, she enjoys nurturing her love affair with English. She is often found nestled with a book, plopped against a dozen pillows, smiling away at the brink of finishing yet another book of the many dozens, that adorn the shelves of her Mini Library!