Are you one of those men who has been sexually indiscreet, or to put matters more bluntly, sexually active with multiple partners? If that is the case, you are a prime target for STI or sexually transmitted infection. Sexually transmitted diseases are one of those diseases that cause world-wide concern, as they can be passed on from one person to another easily. Sexually active men should make it a point to undergo STI check up for men at frequent intervals. Taking a male STI test regularly is the only way to keep sexually transmitted infections in check.
STIs are rather tricky as they do not show any signs or symptoms in a majority of the people, or there can be mild signs in a few people that can be very easily overlooked. Many people imagine that if they were to be infected by STI, they would find some sort of signs or symptoms. They do not realize that unless they undergo an STI check up for men they would know for sure if they have been infected or not. Most of the men are confused about the STI check up for men as they feel that it is taken care by their annual health check up. Your doctor will not ask for a male STI test until you specifically ask for this test.
Men who have had unprotected sex with multiple partners have every reason to be exposed to sexually transmitted infections. More specifically, they would be exposed to the common to STI infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, herpes, HPV, syphilis and trichomoniasis.
People who are concerned about getting an STI check up for men need not be unduly worried. Getting an STI testing for men done can be quite quick and easy.
The chart below is a fair indication of what tests to expect when you go in for a male STI test:
1. For Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Swab of the genital area or urine sample
2. For HIV Blood test or swab from inside of mouth
3. For Genital herpes Swab of affected area – confirmed by a blood test
4. For Syphilis Blood test or Sample was taken from a sore
5. For Trichomoniasis Swab of infected area, physical exam or sample of discharge
6. For HPV (genital warts) Visual diagnosis of warts
Most of the time, men are not aware of the symptoms of STI symptoms in men, but they should remember not to ignore even the slightest of symptoms. People can contract an STI infection by indulging in any type of sex – vaginal, oral, or anal. This is applicable to heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homo-sexuals.
Since some STIs might not show any symptoms immediately, you and your partner/s might be infected and you may not even know it. It is extremely vital to remember that if you are sexually active, regular STI testing for men is important.
People who have acquired an STI should remember the cardinal rule that they should not treat themselves as these diseases are dangerous and any wrong medicine can aggravate the disease and compound the problem. And therefore, they should inevitably go to the doctor.
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