When you have a look at an impending form of health ailment or disorder, you call it a disease. Some of the diseases are life-threatening and need immediate medical help. While some diseases are milder ones that can be cured just with minimal lifestyle changes. You need to take care of yourself well if you want to lead a disease free life.
Top 15 Most Common Diseases in The World
1. Ischemic or Coronary Heart-Disease
Ischemic heart disease is also referred to as a silent heart attack. The blood supplying veins to the heart muscles temporarily get blocked. Silent heart attacks, when left untreated can be fatal as well. The heart disorder causes 15.5% of deaths worldwide.
This disorder is also referred to as Coronary Artery Disease or CAD. Other severe symptoms connected with CAD include
a) Chest Pain
b) Heart Failure
c) Arrhythmias
Undue stress levels are the leading cause of trouble for CAD related symptoms. If you exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight, you can keep your heart muscles healthier. You should also avoid smoking and drink in moderation.
2. Stroke
Generally, a stroke occurs when an artery of the brain gets blocked or starts leaking. Oxygen deprived cells of the brain start dying, one by one. Again this is one of the deadliest infectious diseases, as it attributes to 11.1% of deaths worldwide.
When you are impacted with a stroke, you feel sudden numbness or find trouble walking or seeing. When untreated, a stroke can cause 100% irreversible paralysis and also lead to other long-term disabilities.
You can Avoid the Symptoms of Stroke when
a) You Exercise regularly
b) Take food that is low in sodium
c) Avoid smoking
3. Influenza or Flu
This is the third detrimental disorder that can impact your overall sense of well-being. The disorder is caused when your lungs or airways get blocked. Flu is one of the most common diseases in humans.
This happens mostly when you stay at high-altitude or mountainous regions. You do not get complete access to free-flowing oxygen. And you also get the disorder when your nasal passages are blocked, over a prolonged period of time.
You can prevent this disorder when you get a flu shot done every year. Make it a point to walk briskly during the mornings. This way, you get access to fresh pollution free oxygen.
4. Pneumonia
Pneumonia is another lower respiratory infection that can cause severe damage to one or both of your lungs. Infants under two years breathe very fast and have the tendency to catch pneumonia. The disorder can most likely impact adults over the age of 65 years and above.
Air sacs within the lungs are also known as Alveoli. These get blocked when you are impacted by pneumonia.
Other Common Symptoms Associated with Pneumonia Include Those of
a) Incessant coughing that produces phlegm or mucus
b) Bouts of fever
c) Shortness of breath
d) Chest pain
Medication helps in most cases of pneumonia. However you need a CT scan if the lower respiratory disorder reaches alarming levels.
5. Bronchitis
You find another lower respiratory disorder named Bronchitis. The other name given for this type of disorder refers to Asthma or Wheezing. You have shortness of breath and you have trouble breathing well.
Asthma can be a genetic disorder. In other words, if your mom or dad had inherited this in the past, it is more likely for the offspring also to catch hold of this. Other environmental factors like
a) Inhaling pollen dust
b) Dust mites while mopping or cleaning the floor
c) Extreme weather conditions
Can aggravate symptoms of asthma or bronchitis. You can take injection shots, medicines or inhale capsules to get immediate relief. Performing deep-breathing exercises can help you get complete relief, in the longer run.
6. Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis can be abbreviated as TB. It is a lower respiratory disorder that has grabbed the lives of 10.1 million people worldwide. TB is mainly caused by a particular type of bacteria named mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium. It is contagious and can spread from one infected person to another by air.
Some of the Most Common Symptoms Associated with TB Include those of
a) Coughing with mucus or sometimes with blood.
b) Chills
c) Fatigue
d) Loss of appetite and extreme body weakness
e) Loss of weight
f) Nausea and so on
Administering vaccines or antibiotics is the only form of cure for TB. Severe TB infected patients may need to consume multiple drugs and also require treatment at intensive care.
7. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Obstructive Heart Disease can conveniently be abbreviated as COPD. COPD refers to a progressive lung disease that makes breathing very difficult. There are two types of COPD. These are
a) Chronic Bronchitis
b) Emphysema
It was roughly estimated that around 64 million people were diagnosed with this particular disorder in 2004. Some of the common factors responsible for the lung disease include
a) Active or Passive Smoking
b) Chemical fumes that emit Carbon mono oxide and other harmful nitrates
c) Family history or genetics related to COPD
d) History of being infected with respiratory disorders from childhood
COPD is one of the deadly diseases without a cure. But its progression can be slowed down, with proper medication. Timely diagnosis saves half the trouble, especially with the treatment or cure of diseases.
8. Respiratory Cancers
These are cancerous cells formed near trachea, lungs, bronchus and larynx. These cancers are mainly formed due to three main reasons. These include
a) Active Smoking
b) Passive Smoking
c) Environmental toxins
According to a study in 2015, approximately 4 million lives are lost due to this type of cancer. In India, many people still use coal to do the cooking. And these people inhale the smoke coming out from the same. Asian countries are highly susceptible to this type of cancer. You can detect symptoms at the early stage. Chemotherapy, radiation and anti-suppressants are generally used to cure cancer. And you can lead a more positive and a fulfilling life.
9. Diabetes
Diabetes is a disorder that is caused due to the dysfunctionality of a hormone named insulin. The pancreas either doesn’t produce insulin at all. Else it produces too little insulin or the insulin is not used effectively at all.
Insulin is a pivotal hormone that converts sugar into glucose. When this hormone is not produced at all or is produced in insufficient quantities, the sugar in the food never gets converted into glucose. The sugar stays in the bloodstream as well. Symptoms include
a) Excessive increase/decrease in weight
b) The tendency to pass urine too often
c) Frequent hunger pangs
d) Leg pain
In order to lead a healthier life, you need to make certain lifestyle changes. Avoid eating high calorific foods like pizza, sweets, etc. You can go for a brisk round of walking for 45 minutes every single day.
10. Alzheimer’s Disease
As a general contention, Alzheimer’s disease is just thought of as a loss of memory. But you have much more to the whole thing. It is a progressive disease that destroys memory. Then other normal mental functions are also disrupted one by one.
Common Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease Include
a) Loss of memory
b) Recollection slips
c) High level of difficulty recalling information
This particular disease has claimed more than 1.5 million lives during 2014. Performing concentration exercises and meditation can help you lead a better life. You can focus on the present.
11. Excessive Dehydration Due to Diarrhea
Diarrhea is an intestinal disorder where you pass stools almost two to three times in a day. But when this condition persists for two to three days, the body loses excessive water and salt. The condition can be fatal.
Common Symptoms Include:
a) Nausea
b) Fatigue
c) Loose motions, etc.
The disorder is most likely to impact smaller children who are less than 5 years old. 1.4 million lives have been claimed on account of this disorder. Good drinking water and improved sanitary conditions can prevent diarrheal infections by almost 40%.
12. Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is a permanent and an irreversible damage that is done to the liver. The condition is caused mainly due to excessive consumption of alcohol. Liver generally filters harmful substances from the blood thereby sending clean blood to all parts of the body.
Cirrhosis is a liver disorder where scar tissues are formed. Hence it becomes harder for the liver to filter pure blood from the impure one. Ultimately the most progressive form of cirrhosis causes extreme liver damage where the liver stops working altogether.
Common Symptoms Include
a) Vomiting blood
b) Nausea
c) Fatigue
d) Swelling of belly
e) Getting anemic and so on
The disease is a fatal one after all. Avoiding alcoholism can help you lead a better life. In extreme cases of acute liver damage, a liver transplant may be required.
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. You transmit this disorder by a particular virus named Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This particular disorder alters the body’s immune system making your body more vulnerable to catching infections and diseases.
The disorder mainly Spreads due to
a) Sexual contact with an HIV infected person
b) Syringes used on a normal person after it has been used on an HIV infected person
c) An HIV infected mom can pass on the disease to the fetus living inside the womb
Common Symptoms of AIDS Include
- Fever of 100 degree Fahrenheit running several weeks
- Chills
- Dehydration due to diarrhea
- Nausea and
- Skin Rashes
Advanced stages of HIV can turn fatal. This is one of the deadliest diseases without a cure. Further progression of the HIV virus can be prevented with drugs, medication and anti-suppressant pills.
14. Dementia
Dementia is the initial stage of Alzheimer’s disease. If you are a right-hander, you subconsciously start using your left hand. A bottle of water immediately slips off your hand. This happens due to the numbness caused in your hand.
You need to consult the doctor immediately and start medication. Extreme cases of dementia can lead to a mental paralysis and can even make you slip into a coma.
15. Paralysis
Paralysis is another disease that appears in the list of top 15 most common diseases in the world. The medical condition happens when a portion of your brain is blocked from getting sufficient amount of blood and oxygen. Brain tumors can also abrupt the normal functioning of the brain.
Irreversible paralysis can cause complete immobility that can keep you bed-ridden for years. Active physiotherapy can help people come out of paralysis. Early detection gives you some scope for a more effective recovery.
These are the top 15 most common diseases in the world. Having heard more about the list of the most common diseases impacting several people worldwide, it is high time you take a better care of your health. Live life to the fullest to enjoy happiness until eternity.
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Maanasi specializes in health topics including diet and nutrition. A mother of an untiring seven year old, she enjoys nurturing her love affair with English. She is often found nestled with a book, plopped against a dozen pillows, smiling away at the brink of finishing yet another book of the many dozens, that adorn the shelves of her Mini Library!