Any visa application has certain mandatory requirements which the visa applicant need to abide. Developed countries have stringent guidelines which have to be followed by all the visitors planning to visit the country. Just like most of the developed nations, even Australia follows a stringent visa guideline.
Among all the stringent guidelines, health parameters become important criteria for visa applications to be accepted by Australian Embassy Officials. Australia, in itself, is highly developed in terms of maintaining excellent health conditions of its nationals. Thus, Australian authorities would not allow people with unhealthy parameters within the national borders.
One of the primary guidelines to clear the visa procedure for visiting Australia is to fulfill the medical requirements prescribed by the Australian High Commission. The visa applicants need to undergo mandatory prescribed medical tests and examination from recognized centers to fulfill the application requirements for getting a valid Australian Visa. Such medical examinations have been made mandatory by Australian Officials in order to protect the country and its citizens from high risk health hazards. This would in turn help the Australian authorities in saving expensive health resources of the country which can be optimally used whenever required. Further, this would also save hugely on costs or medical expenditures.
Medical Tests For Australian Visa
Australian authorities overseeing the visa approvals have prepared stringent guidelines regarding undergoing proper medical tests and examinations in order to be eligible for any type of visa required for visiting Australia.
The mandatory medical examinations required for qualifying for a valid Australian visa include a detailed enclosure of the entire medical history of the individual. In case a family is seeking a visa for visiting Australia, each individual member needs to confirm all the prescribed medical examination.
Apart from the full disclosure of medical history, each individual is supposed to undergo a thorough physical examination by a recognized doctor as prescribed by Australian authorities. The physical examination of the individuals seeking permission to visit the island country of Australia would at the least include a thorough check up of the eyes, nose, ears, throat, lungs, heart, skin, lymph nodes, abdomen, and external genitalia.
The thorough physical examination is further backed up with a complete x-ray of the chest. Apart from x-ray, each individual also needs to go through certain blood tests. One of the most important blood tests includes the test for syphilis. Medical tests are also required for the following diseases:
- Tuberculosis
- Hepatitis
This list might include other diseases as prescribed by the members of the Commonwealth nations.
Medical Examination For Australian Visa
The health parameters mandated by the Australian authorities for individual seeking permissions to visit Australia is to ensure the well being of the individuals. And the overall health parameter of Australia, the nation for which being healthy is an important parameter.
Each individual applying for an Australian visa needs to undergo certain mandatory health tests and examinations. The medical examination made compulsory by the Australian authorities include a thorough physical examination of each individual which would include eyes, nose, ears, throat, skin, heart, liver, abdomen, lungs, lymph nodes, and external genitalia, among all other vital functions. Such stringent examination is conducted with the primary purpose of maintaining the high quality health parameters of the island nation of Australia.
Medical Requirements For Australian Visa
The people applying for Australian visa for visiting Australia have to follow extensive medical examination and check ups to ensure perfect health prior to entering Australian borders. Certain medical requirements have been mandated by the Australian authorities. These need to be strictly followed by every individual applying for permanent or temporary visas as prescribed by Australian authorities.
In case, an entire family is applying for an Australian visa. Then one member of the family fails to meet the medical requirements prescribed by the Australian authorities. There is a chance that visa is refused to all the members of the family. The medical requirements are specified clearly on the official website of the Australian Authorities. In that website, clearly mentions the test and examinations an individual requires to undergo depending on the type of visa applied for and the age of the individual.
In order to avoid delays in the issuance of Australian visa, it is advisable to undergo the procedure of mandated medical tests and examinations to fulfill the medical requirements of the Australian authorities before starting visa applications. The validity of the results of such medical test compulsorily undergone for Australian visa application is twelve months.
Medical Fees For Australian Visa
An approximation of the medical fees an individual needs to pay in order to complete the mandated health check-up and examination done prior to applying for Australian Visa works out to around USD 275. This would include a skin test for tuberculosis, the blood test for syphilis, and immunization titer test. However, most of the times, the cost of undergoing a chest x-ray, is not inclusive of the cost mentioned above. The individual would incur an additional cost for this test. The individual also needs to shell out extra cost in case a confirmation of syphilis test is required.
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Samarpita is a dedicated freelance writer with avid experience in the space of health, she specializes in topics related to diet, nutrition, immune-related diseases, detection and prevention of diseases and taking a natural route to cure such diseases.