Yeast infection in the vagina even called candidiasis is common and nearly 75% of women get it at least once. Usually, vagina consists of yeast and bacteria but when there’s misbalance it is called yeast infection which usually goes away in days or with medication. Most of the time pregnant women with a yeast infection have a common doubt-can yeast infection cause miscarriage? Usually as many think it is not the yeast infection that leads to miscarriage but the medicines used to treat it could lead to miscarriages.
Often women mistake yeast infections to be Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) but they aren’t. Let’s see what they are in detail to avoid further doubts and misconceptions about them.
What Is A Yeast Infection?
It is a fungal infection that leads to discharge, irritation, and intense itchiness of the vagina and vulva-tissues at the opening of the vagina. About 3 to 4 women at some point in a lifetime are affected with this and most of the women go through a minimum of 2 yeast infection recurrence episodes.
Although it isn’t an STD the chances of this infection are common at the time of first sexual activity. Studies have also proven that there’s a link between genital-oral sex activity and the infection. Once infected with a yeast infection you’re likely to get another infection however treatments are effective in curing this condition but if you get more often i.e., 4 or more times a year the treatment may have to be continued for long.
Can We Get A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy?
Yeast infections are more common during pregnancy as the hormone alterations can disturb the vagina’s pH balance. Symptoms of common yeast infection in pregnancy consist of vaginal itches and a thick white discharge that’s similar to cottage cheese. Though yeast infections don’t affect pregnancy there are chances that they may be carried to the baby at the time of delivery.
Usually, over-the-counter medicines such as ointments and creams are the best fit to treat them in this situation. It is better to forego oral medicines.
If you’re suffering from yeast infection during pregnancy it is advisable to mention the same to your doctor.
What Causes Yeast Infection During Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, Candida albicans-the vaginal fungus which is usually normal in other days starts seeing alterations and spikes up in pregnancy. When this happens the normal range of the yeast and bacteria in the vagina is changed leading to yeast infection while carrying.
The presence of additional moisture during pregnancy may even infuriate an imbalance making the nether regions a fairground for infections.
Symptoms Of Yeast Infection During Pregnancy
The common symptoms include;
- Swelling around the vagina and vulva
- Vaginal itching
- Burning sensation during sex or urination
- Pain at the time of intercourse
- Redness
- Soreness
- Rashes
Heavy vaginal discharge or watery discharge in whitish-grey color is one more telltale sign.
Can Yeast Infection Cause Miscarriage?
Although yeast infection in pregnancy is common it doesn’t lead to miscarriage as many think but certain medicines used during pregnancy to treat yeast infection can lead to miscarriage and that too during the early pregnancy.
Effects Of Yeast Infection On The Fetus
Most of the time yeast infection doesn’t affect the fetus and the baby is usually safe. At the most, a baby may develop a yeast infection during the delivery time in the mouth or diaper region.
How To Diagnose Yeast Infection?
They are easy and simple to find out. The doctor will inquire regarding medical history and try to find out if there were any yeast infections in the past. They may also know if there were any STI instances. After this, a pelvic exam is done to check the cervix and vaginal walls to know signs of infection. Surrounding regions near the vagina are also examined.
Depending on these examinations vagina cells may be sent for lab tests.
How To Prevent A Yeast Infection?
Although yeast infection is common following a few precautions can stop it.
- Be hygienic
- Use cotton inners
- Avoid skin-fit jeans and pants
- Keep the vagina area dry and clean
- Avoid vaginal douches
- Reduce stress
- Eat more yogurt
Complications Of Yeast Infection
If left untreated this may lead to other severe complications such as uncontrolled diabetes, lessened immunity, recurring infections, skin infections, and skin tears due to continuous itching.
Yeast infection vs. UTI, let’s also see the difference between the two before winding up, the basic difference between a yeast infection and UTI is the latter is the consequence of bacteria and it affects the urethra, kidneys, and bladder.
As now, you know answers for most of the yeast infection related questions including can yeast infection cause miscarriage handling the situation becomes easier.

Sudheendra is a passionate blogger for 8 years and holds a Degree in Journalism & Mass Communications. His writings particularly focus on health, medicine, diet & lifestyle. For him, everything that interlinks and relates to health & medical world entices him. His write-ups aim at educating people not by just giving facts but by infusing human touch.