What are Blisters on Lips?
Blisters on lips happens during some unfortunate times and although you would want to overlook them, they can make you sense or feel self-conscious towards how you look.
Blisters on lips causes itching, pain and burning sensation before bursting to form crusting.This might take 2 to 4 weeks to heal completely without leaving any mark.
The virus remains inactive in the body after suffering from this infection. The virus might become reactive to cause recurrences of the blisters. The recurrence is mostly common to below 35 years of age individuals. Recurrence will not be severe when compared to the early outbreak. Only minor symptoms will be there and tend to go away after few days.
Many of the problems related with blisters on the lips resolve on their own in a week or less.
Other topical treatments or antibiotics will usually only buy you a day or two in quicker recovery. How you select to treat or not treat the blisters on lips is usually verbalized by your anxiety level in having it showed like neon sign on face.
Causes of Blisters on Lips
Herpex simplex virus is the main culprit for this contagious viral infection. The infection spreads when an individual involves in kissing with the infected person and also by sharing food and utensils with them. There are two major types of herpes simplex virus which are known as type 1 or type 2. Type 1 is responsible for oral herpes called blisters. Type 2 causes genital herpes.
Once you have the herpes simplex virus, you are caught with it as there is no cure. The herpes simplex virus becomes inactive in your system until to certain degree something triggers it such as stress or illness.
One advantage is that you will typically get a notice before an outbreak. Many times you will get a tingling, burning or aching sensation in the area where the blister will break out a day or two before it occurs.
Lip Blister – Is It A Sign of Lip Cancer?
One type of blister on lips that should never be left untreated are those that show multiple signs which indicates lip cancer. Lip cancer is very curable and nearly 100% treatable when found early. Men are 50% more likely to develop lip cancers than women and men more than the age of 50 are at higher risk.
Here are Just a few of the Revealing Signs this Blister on Lips is Something more than a Blister:
- You have what appear to be a blister that does not heal in three weeks or less
- Your lips have an area that seem to be eroded
- Bumps, lumps or thickening areas on the lips
- A lip blister that is bleeding and is crusty
- You have extreme UV exposure history like you are tanning bed addicted or working outdoors in the sun
- You smoke heavily and take alcohol more than measured “average”
Lip cancers are frequently either basal cell type that is 10% or squamous cell type which is 90% and infrequently malignant melanomas which are less than 1%.
Squamous cell lip cancers characteristically happen on the red lip area where basal cell carcinomas are more predominant in the mouth’s white lip area.
These first two types are almost 100% treatable when treated early. Lip melanomas can create from not treated versions of the other two.
What sets lip cancers different from others is that they do not travel to other parts of the body and your lymph nodes as rapidly as cancers creating in the body.
Irrespective of the lip cancer type, all need to be detached using a freezing method or some type of micrographic surgery that aim cancer cells via multiple skin layers. The good news is that along with surgery, healing can happen as little within few weeks with least aftercare.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Blisters on Lips Quickly:
Pure Vanilla Extract:
The existence of alcohol in the pure vanilla extract is an antiviral agent that kills the virus causing blister on the lips. Vanilla aids to keep skin moistness to prevent it from breaking or bleeding, therefore making the blisters on lips much more difficult.
Cornstarch also has the capacity to help counteract the pH of this blister on the lips. It aids to kill the virus and stop the virus causing fever blister as well as blisters on lips.
If you feel a tingling sensation or the early tenderness on your lip that frequently occurs during the first few hours or few days before the blisters grow, this remedy certainly works best. Cold compresses can eradicate pain knowingly, and decrease the swelling and redness associated to fever blisters. Plus, it will stop this condition from spreading.
Baking Soda:
If you apply baking soda on your lip blisters, it will produce an alkaline base, so the virus causing blisters on lips cannot survive in this environment.
Aloe Vera:
Principally, aloe vera is also a great way to cure lip blisters fast. Aloe vera with natural healing powers properties and antibacterial quality will help sterilise your infected area. Moreover, it speeds up healing and decreases the pain as well as inflammation. This remedy will keep our infected area clean and soft so that the skin will not split open, leading to further infection.
Table Salt
Mainly, table salt is well recognised to lessen the inflammation so that it can decrease the swelling and redness associated to the blisters on lip.
Witch Hazel:
Witch hazel can destroy the pain and reduce the time of your blister outbreak. Witch hazel comprises the powerful antioxidant properties which treats blisters on lip effectively. It decreases the inflammation and acts swiftly on your blisters as well.
Peppermint Oil:
Peppermint oil generally fights the virus causing blisters on lips. The antiviral present in the oil makes it an outstanding tool for healing blisters on lips.
Lemon Balm Tea:
Lemon balm can fight the virus causing blisters on lips. It is one natural anti-blister agent because it contains antibacterial and astringent properties. It also disinfects since it will aid eradicate swelling the skin pores.
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I am an experienced Medical/Scientific writer with a passion for helping people live a happy healthy life. My thirst for writing has followed me throughout the years – it is there when I wake up, lingering at the edges of my consciousness during the day, and teases me at night as I go to sleep.