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Important Basic Medical Terminology List

If you wonder what lists of letters mean on your medical report, they may be medical terminologies, abbreviations or acronyms which are often used as a part of the conversation or mentioned in reports.

Medical terminologies are created for ease of communication and quick and better understanding. These basic medical terminologies may speak something about your medical condition, investigations or something about your medications.

The internet these days has made lay-persons quite aware about their specific medical conditions. Certain medical terminologies often seem confusing or they may appear Latin and Greek.

This article will provide you with an alphabetical list of common medical terminologies so that you can understand your medical reports better.

Alphabetical list of Medical Abbreviations – with Suffix & Prefixes

Sr. No.

Medical Terminology


1. AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
2. ABPM Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
3. ACD Anemia of Chronic Diseases
4. ACE Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
5. ACTH Adeno Corticotrophic Hormone
6. APTT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
7. AIP Acute Interstitial Pneumonia
8. AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
9. AKI Acute Kidney Injury
10. ALI Acute Lung Injury
11. ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome
12. AMS Acute Mountain Sickness
13. ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
14. ATN Acute Tubular Necrosis
15. ADH Anti Diuretic Hormone
16. ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
17. AFP Alpha Feto Protein
18. AHR Airway Hyperactivity
19. ALT Alanine Aminotransferase
20. ANA Anti Nuclear Antibody
21. ANCA Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies
22. ACCP Anti Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide antibodies
23. ARF Acute Renal Failure
24. AST Aspartate Aminotransferase
25. AF Atrial Fibrillation
26. AR Aortic Regurgitation
27. AS Aortic Stenosis
28. AV Atrio Ventricular
29. B cells B Lymphocytes
30. BAL Broncho Alveolar Lavage
31. BPH Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
32. BMR Basal Metabolic Rate
33. Bi-PAP Bi Level Positive Airway Pressure
34. BT Bleeding Time
35. Bx Biopsy
36. ABG/VBG Arterial Blood Gas/ Venous Blood Gas
37. BMD Bone mineral density
38. BMI Body mass index
39. BNP Brain natriuretic peptide
40. BMT Bone Marrow Transplant
41. CABG Coronary artery by-pass grafting
42. CBC Complete Blood Count
43. CCF Congestive cardiac failure
44. CCU Critical care unit
45. COHb Carboxyhemoglobin
46. CRT Cardiac resynchronization therapy
47. CPR Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
48. CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
49. CVP Central venous pressure
50. CHD Coronary heart disease
51. COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
52. CRF Chronic renal failure
53. Cx Circumflex
54. CMV Cytomegalovirus
55. CBT Cognitive behavior therapy
56. CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure
57. CK Creatinine kinase
58. CT Computed tomography, clotting time
59. CVA Cerebro-vascular accident
60. DCM Dilated cardiomyopathy
61. DVT Deep venous thrombosis
62. DM Diabetes Mellitus
63. DSA Digital subtraction angiography
64. DOT Directly observed therapy
65. DIC Disseminated intravascular coagulation
66. DNA Deoxy-ribonucleic acid
67. DNS Deviated nasal septum, Dextrose in normal saline
68. DNR Do not resuscitate
69. ECG Electrocardiogram
70. ECF Extra cellular fluid
71. ECHO Echocardiography
72. ECT Electro-convulsive therapy
73. EEG Electroencephalogram
74. EFA Essential fatty acids
75. EMG Electromyography
76. EPO Erythropoietin
77. ERCP Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography
78. ELISA Enzyme linked immunosorbant assay
79. EBV Epstein Barr virus
80. ESWL Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
81. ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
82. FFP Free fatty acids, fresh frozen plasma
83. FNAC Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
84. FSH Follicle stimulating hormone
85. G6PD Glucose 6-phospohate dehydrogenase deficiency
86. GABA Gamma-aminobutyric acid
87. GERD Gastro-esophageal reflux disease
88. GGT Gamma glutamyl transferase
89. GIT Gastro-intestinal tract
90. GCS Glasgow coma scale
91. GH Growth hormone
92. GHb Glycated hemoglobin
93. GFR Glomerular filtration rate
94. GSD Glycogen storage disease
95. GnRH Gonadotropin releasing hormone
96. GBS Guillain-Barre syndrome
97. GVHD Graft versus host disease
98. HACE High altitude cerebral edema
99. Hb Hemoglobin
100. HUS Hemolytic uremic syndrome
101. HCV, HBV, HAV, HEV, HDV Hepatitis virus A, B, C. E, D
102. HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
103. HG Hemo-dialysis
104. HDL High density lipoprotein
105. HIT Heparin indiced thrombocytopenia
106. HSV Herpes Simplex Virus
107. HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
108. HRT Hormone replacement therapy
109. HPV Human papilloma virus
110. HTN Hypertension
111. HOCM Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
112. IBD Irritable bowel disease
113. IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
114. ICD International classification of diseases,
115. ICD Implantable cardiac defibrillator, intercostal drain
116. ICF Intracellular fluid
117. ICP Intracranial pressure
118. ILD Interstitial lung disease
119. ITP Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
120. IGT Impaired glucose tolerance
121. IPJ Inter-phalangeal joints
122. Ig Immunoglobulin
123. INR International normalized ratio
124. IGF Insulin like growth factor
125. ICU Intensive care unit
126. IVC Inferior vena cava
127. ISC Intermittent self catheterization
128. IV Intravenous
129. IVU Intravenous urography
130. IHD Ischemic heart disease
131. ITP Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
132. JE Japanese encephalitis
133. JVP Jugular venous pressure
134. K-F rings Kayser-Fleischer rings
135. LDH Lactate dehydrogenase
136. LAD Left anterior descending artery (cardiac)
137. LBBB Left bundle branch block
138. LDL Low density lipoprotein
139. LFT Liver Function Test
140. LH Luteinizing Hormone
141. LMWH Low molecular weight heparin
142. LRTI Lower respiratory tract infection
143. MRA Magnetic resonance angiography
144. MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
145. MCH Mean cell hemoglobin
146. MCV Mean corpuscular volume
147. MAP Mean arterial pressure
148. MTP, MCP joint Metatarso-phalangeal joint, Metacarpo-phalangeal joints
149. MI Myocardial infacrtion
150. MMR vaccine Measles Mumps Rubells vaccine
151. MRCP Magnetic resonance cholangeo-pancreatography
152. MRSA Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
153. MOF Multiple organ failure
154. MS Multiple Sclerosis, Mitral Stenosis
155. MR Mitral regurgitation
156. NAFL Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
157. NASH Non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis
158. NK cells Natural killer cells
159. NTD Neural tube defect
160. NS Normal saline
161. NSTEMI Non-ST elevation myocardial infacrtion
162. NETs Neuro-endocrine tumors
163. NHL Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
164. NIV Non-invasive ventilation
165. NSAIDs Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
166. OA Osteoarthritis
167. OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
168. OC pills Oral contraceptive pills
169. OPV Oral polio vaccine
170. OPP Organo-phosphorus poisoning
171. ORS Oral rehydration solution
172. PCV Packed cell volume
173. PAD Peripheral arterial disease
174. PAN Polyarteritis nodosa
175. PTH Parathyroid hormone
176. PTTK Partial thromboplastin time with kaolin
177. PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
178. PE Plasma exchange, pulmonary embolism
179. PEG Percutaneous endoscopic gatsrostomy
180. PID Pelvic inflammatory disease
181. PTCA Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
182. PDT Photodynamic therapy
183. PKD Polycystic kidneys
184. PCR Polymerase chain reaction
185. PMR Polymyalgia rheumatic
186. PET Positron Emission Tomography
187. PSA Prostate specific antigen
188. PTC Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
189. PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder
190. PT Prothrombin time
191. PUO Pyrexia of unknown origin
192. RA Rheumatoid arthritis
193. RCT Randomized clinical trials
194. RBBB Right bundle branch block
195. RCA Right coronary artery
196. RNA Ribonucleic acid
197. REM sleep Rapid eye movement sleep
198. RL Ringers’s Lactate solution
199. RBC Red blood cell
200. RFT Renal function test
201. RTA Road traffic accident, Renal tubular acidosis
202. SARS Severe acute respiratory syndrome
203. SA node Sino-atrial node
204. SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
205. STI Sexually Transmitted Infections
206. SPECT Single photon emission tomography
207. SSSS Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
208. TBG Thyroxine binding globulin
209. TLC Total Leucocyte Count (WBC), total lung capacity
210. TENS Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
211. TG Triglyceride
212. TFT Thyroid function test
213. TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
214. TRH Thyrotropin releasing hormone
215. TIA Transient ischemic attack
216. TIBC Total iron binding capacity
217. TORCH test Toxoplasmosis Rubella Cytomegalovirus and Herpes
218. TPN Total parenteral nutrition
219. TBNA Transbronchial needle aspiration
220. TURP Transurethral resection of prostate
221. TRUS Transrectal ultrasound of prostate
222. TB Tuberculosis
223. UPT Urine Pregnancy Test
224. USG Ultra sonography
225. UTI Urinary Tract Infection
226. UVR Ultra violet radiation
227. VZV Varicella zoster virus
228. VDRL Venereal disease research laboratory
229. VST Venous sinus thrombosis
230. VT Ventricular tachycardia
231. VER Visual evoked responses
232. VLDL Very low density lipoproteins
233. VUR Vesico-ureteric reflux
234. WBC White blood cells
235. WG Wegener’s granulomatosis
236. WHO World health organization
237. WPW syndrome Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome


Some Frequently Used Basic Medical Terminologies and What do they Mean – with Suffix and Prefix:

Sr. No.

Medical Terminology


1. Abdomen Portion from your stomach to pelvis
2. Abscess Accumulation of pus in a given area
3. Acidosis Excess build up of CO2 and reduced pH in the body
4. Acute Disease of a short onset and course
5. Adenoma Benign tumors of glands.
6. Adeno-carcinoma Malignant tumors of glands
7. Atrial Pertaining to atrium – chamber of the heart
8. Airway Upper and lower respiratory tract
9. Agnosia Inability to recognize or understand things
10. Allodynia Exaggerated response to a non-painful stimulus
11. Alopecia Hair Fall
12. Alveolar Relating to the alveoli in the lungs
13. Amnesia Partial or complete loss of memory
14. Anemia, -ic Reduced hemoglobin
15. Anesthesia Artificially induced insensitivity to pain
16. Analgesic, -gesia Medicines to reduce pain
17. Anaphylaxis, -phylactic Allergic reaction to something
18. Angina Chest pain due to any reason
19. Angio- Relating to blood vessels
20. Ankylose, -ing To become stiff
21. Anomia Inability to recall daily use objects
22. Anorectal Pertaining to the rectum and anal canal
23. Anosmia Partial or total loss of smell
24. Anorexia Loss of appetite
25. Arrhythmia Irregular abnormal heart beat pattern (fast, slow or irregular)
26. Antigen A toxin or harmful substance
27. Antibody A blood protein produced in response to antigens
28. Antibiotic Medicine that slows or stops the growth of infective organisms
29. Anticholinergic Inhibiting normal nerve impulses
30. Anuria Inability of kidneys to produce urine
31. Anxiety A feeling of nervousness, worry or concern
32. Aphasia Inability to talk due to brain damage
33. Aphonia Inability to talk due to damaged mouth or vocal cords
34. Apnea Temporary cessation of breathing
35. Arterial Related to arteries
36. Arthritis Infection and inflammation of joints
37. Arthro Related to joints
38. Asphyxia Suffocation
39. Ataxia Loss of control of normal bodily movements
40. Autoimmune Relating to reaction of the body against its own cells
41. Beta-blockers A type of anti-hypertensive and anti-arrhythmic medicine
42. Bile Digestive juice secreted by liver
43. Biliary Related to the bile duct or nile
44. Biopsy Examination of a tissue removed from the body
45. Blister a fluid filled elevation on skin from burns or injuries
46. Blood count Related to number of blood cell componenets
47. Bradycardia Pulse rate <50 beats/min
48. Bronchitis Infection of the airway – bronchus or bronchi
49. Broncho- Related to the bronchi
50. Calcification Building up of calcium in tissues or blood vessels
51. Cachexia, -ic (suffix) Loss of body mass due to some chronic disease
52. Calculi, calculus Stones
53. Carcinogen, -genic Capable of causing cancer
54. Cardio, cardiac Related to the heart
55. Coronary Relating to blood vessels of the heart
56. Catheter A flexible tube inserted into the body
57. Cerebral Related to cerebrum of the brain
58. Cerbellar Related to cerebellum of the brain
59. Cerebrovascular Related to blood circulation inside the brain
60. Cervical Related to the cervical portion of spine or neck or cervix in females
61. Chronic Disease conditions since a long time (>3 months)
62. Circulatory Relating to bodily blood circulation
63. Cirrhosis Degeneration, thickening and fibrosis of liver tissues
64. Coagulation Clotting of blood
65. Celiac Diseases of the abdomen
66. Cephalic Relating to the skull
67. Cholecystitis Gall bladder infection
68. Cholelithiasis Gall stones
69. Colitis Infection and inflammation of lining of colon
70. Coma Prolonged state of unconsciousness
71. Congenital A condition present since birth
72. Crypto- Concealed or hidden
73. Cystic Characterized by cysts or conditions relating to gall bladder or urinary bladder
74. Cyto- Prefix related to cells
75. Dehydration Loss of or removal of body fluids
76. Delirium Acute state of confusion or restlessness from some disease
77. Delusion Misunderstanding, misinterpretation
78. Dermat- Prefix related to conditions of the skin
79. Diagnosis Identification of a disease or illness
80. Dialysis Purification of blood for normal function of kidneys
81. Diuretics Medications which cause increased urine output
82. Doppler Test to estimate blood flow in a particular body part
83. Duodenal Related to duodenum (part of small intestine)
84. Dyspnoea Inability or difficulty in breathing
85. Dystonia Abnormal muscle tone or posture
86. Embolism Obstruction of an artery by a clot or air
87. Encephal- Prefix related to the brain
88. Endocrine Related to hormones of the body
89. Endometrial Related to inner lining of the uterus or womb
90. Endothelial Related to inner lining of blood vessels
91. Entero- Prefix related to the intestine
92. Erythema Redness of skin
93. Erythro- Prefix related to the red blood cell (erythrocytes)
94. Epilepsy Abnormal electrical activity of brain causing convulsions and unusual involuntary bodily movements
95. Extrinsic Meaning external or outside the body
96. Exanthema- Breakout or eruption
97. Faecal Related to or resembling feces
98. Fetal Related to children
99. Febrile Relating to a state of fever
100. Flu Respiratory infection due to influenza virus
101. Fracture Broken
102. Glomerulo- Relating to the glomerular apparatus in kidneys which is responsible for formation of urine.
103. Glyco- Related to sugars
104. Gout Defect in uric acid metabolism causing deposition of uric acid crystals.
105. Granulo- Relating to granulocytes – a type of white blood cell
106. Haem- A prefix used to in relation to blood
107. Heart block Defect in electrical conduction of heart – seen on an ECG
108. Hemi- A prefix to denote affection of one half of something
109. Heparin Compound formed in liver which prevents blood clotting
110. Hepatic Related to the liver
111. Hepatitis Infection of liver tissue
112. Hereditary Passed to members of the family
113. Hepatocellular A condition affecting liver cells (hepatocytes)
114. Hiatus A break in continuity or a hole or opening
115. Hydatid A watery cyst formed due to tapeworm larva
116. Hydro- Prefix to denote relation to fluid
117. Hyper- Excess of something in the body
118. Hypertension High blood pressure
119. Hypo- Less or deficiency of something in the body
120. -itis Suffix used to indicate infection
121. Inferior Below or underneath
122. Ischemic Lack of blood supply
123. Leucocyte White blood cell
124. Leukemia Cancer of white blood cells – excessive abnormal production
125. Lumbar Related to lower back – lumbar portion of spine
126. Lupus Any disease characterized by inflammation of skin
127. Lymphatic Related to the lymph component of blood
128. Lymphoma Cancer of the lymph nodes
129. Melano- Prefix to denote relation to melanin – skin pigment
130. Meninges, meningo- Related to coverings of brain and spinal cord
131. Murmurs Heart sound created by blood flow to the heart
132. Myalgia Muscular pain
133. Myelo- Prefix or suffix to show relation to brain or spinal cord
134. Nephro-, nephritic Related to kidneys,
135. Neuropathy Related to disease of peripheral nerves
136. Neuro- Related to the nervous system
137. Oedema Presence of excessive fluid in tissues
138. Osteo- Prefix in relation to bones
139. Palpitation Rapid, irregular heart beat
140. Paroxysmal Regular, intermittent occurrence
141. Peptic Related to the stomach
142. Poly- A prefix to show many of something
143. Portal Relating to the circulation of liver and abdomen
144. Pruritis Itching and inflammation of skin
145. Pulmonary Relating to the lungs
146. Pyelo- In relation to pelvis of kidneys
147. Pyo- Prefix for pus formation
148. Radiculopathy Condition due to compression of nerve roots or nerve radicles
149. Renal Related to kidneys
150. Resuscitation To revive
151. Sepsis Infection of a tissue or wound due to bacteria
152. Septicemia Diffuse infection in the body due to spread by blood
153. Shock Critical condition causing low blood pressure and poorly functioning kidneys.
154. Stroke Sudden lack of blood supply to the brain causing paralysis.
155. Sub- Prefix used to say “below”
156. Syndrome A condition characterized by a group of symptoms
157. Tachycardia Abnormal, fast heart rate
158. Thrombus A large clot occluding an artery.
159. Tumor Growth and multiplication of abnormal cells in the body
160. Ulcer An open sore on the skin or mucous membrane
161. Varices A plural for varicose veins. Enlarged veins,
162. Venous Related to veins
163. Ventricles Related to chambers of heart and in brain
164. Vertigo Giddiness and loss of balance
165. Vestibular Related to ears and balance
166. Warts Benign growth on skin


Some Common Medical Terminologies used in Relation to Prescription or Dosage of Medicines

Sr. No.

Terminology/ Abbreviation


1. Alt. h. Every hour
2. B.D/ B.I.D Two times a day
3. Bol. Single large dose intravenously
4. B.S.L Blood sugar level
5. B’BF Before breakfast
6. B’D Before dinner
7. B’L Before lunch
8. Cap. Capsule
9. C with bar on top With
10. D5 5% dextrose
11. DNS Dextrose in normal saline
12. D.A.W Dispense as written
13. Dil. Dilute/ diluted
14. D.W Distilled water
15. D/W Discussed with
16. Fl. Fluid
17. g Gram
18. gr Grain
19. Hr Hour
20. gtt Drops
21. H.S At bed time
22. ID Intra-dermal
23. IM Intra-muscular
24. IP Intra-peritoneal
25. IV Intravenous
26. Lin. Liniment
27. Liq. Liquid
28. mcg Microgram
29. mg Milligram
30. mEq Milli-equivalent
31. mL Milliliter
32. Noct. At night
33. NS Normal saline
34. ½ NS Half normal saline (0.45%)
35. o2 Both eyes
36. OD Once a day
37. oz Ounce
38. p.m After meals, afternoon or evening
39. p.o Orally or by mouth
40. p.r Per rectum
41. p.v Per vaginal
42. q.d Every day
43. q.i.d Four times a day
44. Rep. Repeat
45. RL Ringer’s lactate
46. SC Subcutaneous
47. SL Sublingual, under the tongue
48. s.o.s As an when required
49. Stat. Immediately
50. Supp. Suppository
51. Susp. Suspension
52. Syp. Syrup
53. Tab. Tablet
54. Tbsp Tablespoon
55. Tsp Teaspoon
56. t.i.d/ t.d.s Three times a day
57. Top. Topical
58. TPN Total parenteral nutrition
59. W With
60. w/o Without
Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad
Published by
Dr. Himanshi Purohit

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