If you wonder what lists of letters mean on your medical report, they may be medical terminologies, abbreviations or acronyms which are often used as a part of the conversation or mentioned in reports.
Medical terminologies are created for ease of communication and quick and better understanding. These basic medical terminologies may speak something about your medical condition, investigations or something about your medications.
The internet these days has made lay-persons quite aware about their specific medical conditions. Certain medical terminologies often seem confusing or they may appear Latin and Greek.
This article will provide you with an alphabetical list of common medical terminologies so that you can understand your medical reports better.
Alphabetical list of Medical Abbreviations – with Suffix & Prefixes
Sr. No. |
Medical Terminology
Interpretation |
1. | AAA | Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm |
2. | ABPM | Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring |
3. | ACD | Anemia of Chronic Diseases |
4. | ACE | Angiotensin Converting Enzyme |
5. | ACTH | Adeno Corticotrophic Hormone |
6. | APTT | Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time |
7. | AIP | Acute Interstitial Pneumonia |
8. | AIDS | Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome |
9. | AKI | Acute Kidney Injury |
10. | ALI | Acute Lung Injury |
11. | ACS | Acute Coronary Syndrome |
12. | AMS | Acute Mountain Sickness |
13. | ARDS | Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
14. | ATN | Acute Tubular Necrosis |
15. | ADH | Anti Diuretic Hormone |
16. | ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder |
17. | AFP | Alpha Feto Protein |
18. | AHR | Airway Hyperactivity |
19. | ALT | Alanine Aminotransferase |
20. | ANA | Anti Nuclear Antibody |
21. | ANCA | Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies |
22. | ACCP | Anti Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide antibodies |
23. | ARF | Acute Renal Failure |
24. | AST | Aspartate Aminotransferase |
25. | AF | Atrial Fibrillation |
26. | AR | Aortic Regurgitation |
27. | AS | Aortic Stenosis |
28. | AV | Atrio Ventricular |
29. | B cells | B Lymphocytes |
30. | BAL | Broncho Alveolar Lavage |
31. | BPH | Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy |
32. | BMR | Basal Metabolic Rate |
33. | Bi-PAP | Bi Level Positive Airway Pressure |
34. | BT | Bleeding Time |
35. | Bx | Biopsy |
36. | ABG/VBG | Arterial Blood Gas/ Venous Blood Gas |
37. | BMD | Bone mineral density |
38. | BMI | Body mass index |
39. | BNP | Brain natriuretic peptide |
40. | BMT | Bone Marrow Transplant |
41. | CABG | Coronary artery by-pass grafting |
42. | CBC | Complete Blood Count |
43. | CCF | Congestive cardiac failure |
44. | CCU | Critical care unit |
45. | COHb | Carboxyhemoglobin |
46. | CRT | Cardiac resynchronization therapy |
47. | CPR | Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation |
48. | CSF | Cerebrospinal fluid |
49. | CVP | Central venous pressure |
50. | CHD | Coronary heart disease |
51. | COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
52. | CRF | Chronic renal failure |
53. | Cx | Circumflex |
54. | CMV | Cytomegalovirus |
55. | CBT | Cognitive behavior therapy |
56. | CPAP | Continuous positive airway pressure |
57. | CK | Creatinine kinase |
58. | CT | Computed tomography, clotting time |
59. | CVA | Cerebro-vascular accident |
60. | DCM | Dilated cardiomyopathy |
61. | DVT | Deep venous thrombosis |
62. | DM | Diabetes Mellitus |
63. | DSA | Digital subtraction angiography |
64. | DOT | Directly observed therapy |
65. | DIC | Disseminated intravascular coagulation |
66. | DNA | Deoxy-ribonucleic acid |
67. | DNS | Deviated nasal septum, Dextrose in normal saline |
68. | DNR | Do not resuscitate |
69. | ECG | Electrocardiogram |
70. | ECF | Extra cellular fluid |
71. | ECHO | Echocardiography |
72. | ECT | Electro-convulsive therapy |
73. | EEG | Electroencephalogram |
74. | EFA | Essential fatty acids |
75. | EMG | Electromyography |
76. | EPO | Erythropoietin |
77. | ERCP | Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography |
78. | ELISA | Enzyme linked immunosorbant assay |
79. | EBV | Epstein Barr virus |
80. | ESWL | Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy |
81. | ESR | Erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
82. | FFP | Free fatty acids, fresh frozen plasma |
83. | FNAC | Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology |
84. | FSH | Follicle stimulating hormone |
85. | G6PD | Glucose 6-phospohate dehydrogenase deficiency |
86. | GABA | Gamma-aminobutyric acid |
87. | GERD | Gastro-esophageal reflux disease |
88. | GGT | Gamma glutamyl transferase |
89. | GIT | Gastro-intestinal tract |
90. | GCS | Glasgow coma scale |
91. | GH | Growth hormone |
92. | GHb | Glycated hemoglobin |
93. | GFR | Glomerular filtration rate |
94. | GSD | Glycogen storage disease |
95. | GnRH | Gonadotropin releasing hormone |
96. | GBS | Guillain-Barre syndrome |
97. | GVHD | Graft versus host disease |
98. | HACE | High altitude cerebral edema |
99. | Hb | Hemoglobin |
100. | HUS | Hemolytic uremic syndrome |
101. | HCV, HBV, HAV, HEV, HDV | Hepatitis virus A, B, C. E, D |
102. | HCG | Human Chorionic Gonadotropin |
103. | HG | Hemo-dialysis |
104. | HDL | High density lipoprotein |
105. | HIT | Heparin indiced thrombocytopenia |
106. | HSV | Herpes Simplex Virus |
107. | HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
108. | HRT | Hormone replacement therapy |
109. | HPV | Human papilloma virus |
110. | HTN | Hypertension |
111. | HOCM | Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy |
112. | IBD | Irritable bowel disease |
113. | IBS | Irritable Bowel Syndrome |
114. | ICD | International classification of diseases, |
115. | ICD | Implantable cardiac defibrillator, intercostal drain |
116. | ICF | Intracellular fluid |
117. | ICP | Intracranial pressure |
118. | ILD | Interstitial lung disease |
119. | ITP | Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
120. | IGT | Impaired glucose tolerance |
121. | IPJ | Inter-phalangeal joints |
122. | Ig | Immunoglobulin |
123. | INR | International normalized ratio |
124. | IGF | Insulin like growth factor |
125. | ICU | Intensive care unit |
126. | IVC | Inferior vena cava |
127. | ISC | Intermittent self catheterization |
128. | IV | Intravenous |
129. | IVU | Intravenous urography |
130. | IHD | Ischemic heart disease |
131. | ITP | Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
132. | JE | Japanese encephalitis |
133. | JVP | Jugular venous pressure |
134. | K-F rings | Kayser-Fleischer rings |
135. | LDH | Lactate dehydrogenase |
136. | LAD | Left anterior descending artery (cardiac) |
137. | LBBB | Left bundle branch block |
138. | LDL | Low density lipoprotein |
139. | LFT | Liver Function Test |
140. | LH | Luteinizing Hormone |
141. | LMWH | Low molecular weight heparin |
142. | LRTI | Lower respiratory tract infection |
143. | MRA | Magnetic resonance angiography |
144. | MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
145. | MCH | Mean cell hemoglobin |
146. | MCV | Mean corpuscular volume |
147. | MAP | Mean arterial pressure |
148. | MTP, MCP joint | Metatarso-phalangeal joint, Metacarpo-phalangeal joints |
149. | MI | Myocardial infacrtion |
150. | MMR vaccine | Measles Mumps Rubells vaccine |
151. | MRCP | Magnetic resonance cholangeo-pancreatography |
152. | MRSA | Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus |
153. | MOF | Multiple organ failure |
154. | MS | Multiple Sclerosis, Mitral Stenosis |
155. | MR | Mitral regurgitation |
156. | NAFL | Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease |
157. | NASH | Non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis |
158. | NK cells | Natural killer cells |
159. | NTD | Neural tube defect |
160. | NS | Normal saline |
161. | NSTEMI | Non-ST elevation myocardial infacrtion |
162. | NETs | Neuro-endocrine tumors |
163. | NHL | Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma |
164. | NIV | Non-invasive ventilation |
165. | NSAIDs | Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
166. | OA | Osteoarthritis |
167. | OCD | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
168. | OC pills | Oral contraceptive pills |
169. | OPV | Oral polio vaccine |
170. | OPP | Organo-phosphorus poisoning |
171. | ORS | Oral rehydration solution |
172. | PCV | Packed cell volume |
173. | PAD | Peripheral arterial disease |
174. | PAN | Polyarteritis nodosa |
175. | PTH | Parathyroid hormone |
176. | PTTK | Partial thromboplastin time with kaolin |
177. | PCOS | Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome |
178. | PE | Plasma exchange, pulmonary embolism |
179. | PEG | Percutaneous endoscopic gatsrostomy |
180. | PID | Pelvic inflammatory disease |
181. | PTCA | Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
182. | PDT | Photodynamic therapy |
183. | PKD | Polycystic kidneys |
184. | PCR | Polymerase chain reaction |
185. | PMR | Polymyalgia rheumatic |
186. | PET | Positron Emission Tomography |
187. | PSA | Prostate specific antigen |
188. | PTC | Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography |
189. | PTSD | Post traumatic stress disorder |
190. | PT | Prothrombin time |
191. | PUO | Pyrexia of unknown origin |
192. | RA | Rheumatoid arthritis |
193. | RCT | Randomized clinical trials |
194. | RBBB | Right bundle branch block |
195. | RCA | Right coronary artery |
196. | RNA | Ribonucleic acid |
197. | REM sleep | Rapid eye movement sleep |
198. | RL | Ringers’s Lactate solution |
199. | RBC | Red blood cell |
200. | RFT | Renal function test |
201. | RTA | Road traffic accident, Renal tubular acidosis |
202. | SARS | Severe acute respiratory syndrome |
203. | SA node | Sino-atrial node |
204. | SLE | Systemic lupus erythematosus |
205. | STI | Sexually Transmitted Infections |
206. | SPECT | Single photon emission tomography |
207. | SSSS | Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome |
208. | TBG | Thyroxine binding globulin |
209. | TLC | Total Leucocyte Count (WBC), total lung capacity |
210. | TENS | Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
211. | TG | Triglyceride |
212. | TFT | Thyroid function test |
213. | TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone |
214. | TRH | Thyrotropin releasing hormone |
215. | TIA | Transient ischemic attack |
216. | TIBC | Total iron binding capacity |
217. | TORCH test | Toxoplasmosis Rubella Cytomegalovirus and Herpes |
218. | TPN | Total parenteral nutrition |
219. | TBNA | Transbronchial needle aspiration |
220. | TURP | Transurethral resection of prostate |
221. | TRUS | Transrectal ultrasound of prostate |
222. | TB | Tuberculosis |
223. | UPT | Urine Pregnancy Test |
224. | USG | Ultra sonography |
225. | UTI | Urinary Tract Infection |
226. | UVR | Ultra violet radiation |
227. | VZV | Varicella zoster virus |
228. | VDRL | Venereal disease research laboratory |
229. | VST | Venous sinus thrombosis |
230. | VT | Ventricular tachycardia |
231. | VER | Visual evoked responses |
232. | VLDL | Very low density lipoproteins |
233. | VUR | Vesico-ureteric reflux |
234. | WBC | White blood cells |
235. | WG | Wegener’s granulomatosis |
236. | WHO | World health organization |
237. | WPW syndrome | Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome |
Some Frequently Used Basic Medical Terminologies and What do they Mean – with Suffix and Prefix:
Sr. No. |
Medical Terminology
Interpretation |
1. | Abdomen | Portion from your stomach to pelvis |
2. | Abscess | Accumulation of pus in a given area |
3. | Acidosis | Excess build up of CO2 and reduced pH in the body |
4. | Acute | Disease of a short onset and course |
5. | Adenoma | Benign tumors of glands. |
6. | Adeno-carcinoma | Malignant tumors of glands |
7. | Atrial | Pertaining to atrium – chamber of the heart |
8. | Airway | Upper and lower respiratory tract |
9. | Agnosia | Inability to recognize or understand things |
10. | Allodynia | Exaggerated response to a non-painful stimulus |
11. | Alopecia | Hair Fall |
12. | Alveolar | Relating to the alveoli in the lungs |
13. | Amnesia | Partial or complete loss of memory |
14. | Anemia, -ic | Reduced hemoglobin |
15. | Anesthesia | Artificially induced insensitivity to pain |
16. | Analgesic, -gesia | Medicines to reduce pain |
17. | Anaphylaxis, -phylactic | Allergic reaction to something |
18. | Angina | Chest pain due to any reason |
19. | Angio- | Relating to blood vessels |
20. | Ankylose, -ing | To become stiff |
21. | Anomia | Inability to recall daily use objects |
22. | Anorectal | Pertaining to the rectum and anal canal |
23. | Anosmia | Partial or total loss of smell |
24. | Anorexia | Loss of appetite |
25. | Arrhythmia | Irregular abnormal heart beat pattern (fast, slow or irregular) |
26. | Antigen | A toxin or harmful substance |
27. | Antibody | A blood protein produced in response to antigens |
28. | Antibiotic | Medicine that slows or stops the growth of infective organisms |
29. | Anticholinergic | Inhibiting normal nerve impulses |
30. | Anuria | Inability of kidneys to produce urine |
31. | Anxiety | A feeling of nervousness, worry or concern |
32. | Aphasia | Inability to talk due to brain damage |
33. | Aphonia | Inability to talk due to damaged mouth or vocal cords |
34. | Apnea | Temporary cessation of breathing |
35. | Arterial | Related to arteries |
36. | Arthritis | Infection and inflammation of joints |
37. | Arthro | Related to joints |
38. | Asphyxia | Suffocation |
39. | Ataxia | Loss of control of normal bodily movements |
40. | Autoimmune | Relating to reaction of the body against its own cells |
41. | Beta-blockers | A type of anti-hypertensive and anti-arrhythmic medicine |
42. | Bile | Digestive juice secreted by liver |
43. | Biliary | Related to the bile duct or nile |
44. | Biopsy | Examination of a tissue removed from the body |
45. | Blister | a fluid filled elevation on skin from burns or injuries |
46. | Blood count | Related to number of blood cell componenets |
47. | Bradycardia | Pulse rate <50 beats/min |
48. | Bronchitis | Infection of the airway – bronchus or bronchi |
49. | Broncho- | Related to the bronchi |
50. | Calcification | Building up of calcium in tissues or blood vessels |
51. | Cachexia, -ic (suffix) | Loss of body mass due to some chronic disease |
52. | Calculi, calculus | Stones |
53. | Carcinogen, -genic | Capable of causing cancer |
54. | Cardio, cardiac | Related to the heart |
55. | Coronary | Relating to blood vessels of the heart |
56. | Catheter | A flexible tube inserted into the body |
57. | Cerebral | Related to cerebrum of the brain |
58. | Cerbellar | Related to cerebellum of the brain |
59. | Cerebrovascular | Related to blood circulation inside the brain |
60. | Cervical | Related to the cervical portion of spine or neck or cervix in females |
61. | Chronic | Disease conditions since a long time (>3 months) |
62. | Circulatory | Relating to bodily blood circulation |
63. | Cirrhosis | Degeneration, thickening and fibrosis of liver tissues |
64. | Coagulation | Clotting of blood |
65. | Celiac | Diseases of the abdomen |
66. | Cephalic | Relating to the skull |
67. | Cholecystitis | Gall bladder infection |
68. | Cholelithiasis | Gall stones |
69. | Colitis | Infection and inflammation of lining of colon |
70. | Coma | Prolonged state of unconsciousness |
71. | Congenital | A condition present since birth |
72. | Crypto- | Concealed or hidden |
73. | Cystic | Characterized by cysts or conditions relating to gall bladder or urinary bladder |
74. | Cyto- | Prefix related to cells |
75. | Dehydration | Loss of or removal of body fluids |
76. | Delirium | Acute state of confusion or restlessness from some disease |
77. | Delusion | Misunderstanding, misinterpretation |
78. | Dermat- | Prefix related to conditions of the skin |
79. | Diagnosis | Identification of a disease or illness |
80. | Dialysis | Purification of blood for normal function of kidneys |
81. | Diuretics | Medications which cause increased urine output |
82. | Doppler | Test to estimate blood flow in a particular body part |
83. | Duodenal | Related to duodenum (part of small intestine) |
84. | Dyspnoea | Inability or difficulty in breathing |
85. | Dystonia | Abnormal muscle tone or posture |
86. | Embolism | Obstruction of an artery by a clot or air |
87. | Encephal- | Prefix related to the brain |
88. | Endocrine | Related to hormones of the body |
89. | Endometrial | Related to inner lining of the uterus or womb |
90. | Endothelial | Related to inner lining of blood vessels |
91. | Entero- | Prefix related to the intestine |
92. | Erythema | Redness of skin |
93. | Erythro- | Prefix related to the red blood cell (erythrocytes) |
94. | Epilepsy | Abnormal electrical activity of brain causing convulsions and unusual involuntary bodily movements |
95. | Extrinsic | Meaning external or outside the body |
96. | Exanthema- | Breakout or eruption |
97. | Faecal | Related to or resembling feces |
98. | Fetal | Related to children |
99. | Febrile | Relating to a state of fever |
100. | Flu | Respiratory infection due to influenza virus |
101. | Fracture | Broken |
102. | Glomerulo- | Relating to the glomerular apparatus in kidneys which is responsible for formation of urine. |
103. | Glyco- | Related to sugars |
104. | Gout | Defect in uric acid metabolism causing deposition of uric acid crystals. |
105. | Granulo- | Relating to granulocytes – a type of white blood cell |
106. | Haem- | A prefix used to in relation to blood |
107. | Heart block | Defect in electrical conduction of heart – seen on an ECG |
108. | Hemi- | A prefix to denote affection of one half of something |
109. | Heparin | Compound formed in liver which prevents blood clotting |
110. | Hepatic | Related to the liver |
111. | Hepatitis | Infection of liver tissue |
112. | Hereditary | Passed to members of the family |
113. | Hepatocellular | A condition affecting liver cells (hepatocytes) |
114. | Hiatus | A break in continuity or a hole or opening |
115. | Hydatid | A watery cyst formed due to tapeworm larva |
116. | Hydro- | Prefix to denote relation to fluid |
117. | Hyper- | Excess of something in the body |
118. | Hypertension | High blood pressure |
119. | Hypo- | Less or deficiency of something in the body |
120. | -itis | Suffix used to indicate infection |
121. | Inferior | Below or underneath |
122. | Ischemic | Lack of blood supply |
123. | Leucocyte | White blood cell |
124. | Leukemia | Cancer of white blood cells – excessive abnormal production |
125. | Lumbar | Related to lower back – lumbar portion of spine |
126. | Lupus | Any disease characterized by inflammation of skin |
127. | Lymphatic | Related to the lymph component of blood |
128. | Lymphoma | Cancer of the lymph nodes |
129. | Melano- | Prefix to denote relation to melanin – skin pigment |
130. | Meninges, meningo- | Related to coverings of brain and spinal cord |
131. | Murmurs | Heart sound created by blood flow to the heart |
132. | Myalgia | Muscular pain |
133. | Myelo- | Prefix or suffix to show relation to brain or spinal cord |
134. | Nephro-, nephritic | Related to kidneys, |
135. | Neuropathy | Related to disease of peripheral nerves |
136. | Neuro- | Related to the nervous system |
137. | Oedema | Presence of excessive fluid in tissues |
138. | Osteo- | Prefix in relation to bones |
139. | Palpitation | Rapid, irregular heart beat |
140. | Paroxysmal | Regular, intermittent occurrence |
141. | Peptic | Related to the stomach |
142. | Poly- | A prefix to show many of something |
143. | Portal | Relating to the circulation of liver and abdomen |
144. | Pruritis | Itching and inflammation of skin |
145. | Pulmonary | Relating to the lungs |
146. | Pyelo- | In relation to pelvis of kidneys |
147. | Pyo- | Prefix for pus formation |
148. | Radiculopathy | Condition due to compression of nerve roots or nerve radicles |
149. | Renal | Related to kidneys |
150. | Resuscitation | To revive |
151. | Sepsis | Infection of a tissue or wound due to bacteria |
152. | Septicemia | Diffuse infection in the body due to spread by blood |
153. | Shock | Critical condition causing low blood pressure and poorly functioning kidneys. |
154. | Stroke | Sudden lack of blood supply to the brain causing paralysis. |
155. | Sub- | Prefix used to say “below” |
156. | Syndrome | A condition characterized by a group of symptoms |
157. | Tachycardia | Abnormal, fast heart rate |
158. | Thrombus | A large clot occluding an artery. |
159. | Tumor | Growth and multiplication of abnormal cells in the body |
160. | Ulcer | An open sore on the skin or mucous membrane |
161. | Varices | A plural for varicose veins. Enlarged veins, |
162. | Venous | Related to veins |
163. | Ventricles | Related to chambers of heart and in brain |
164. | Vertigo | Giddiness and loss of balance |
165. | Vestibular | Related to ears and balance |
166. | Warts | Benign growth on skin |
Some Common Medical Terminologies used in Relation to Prescription or Dosage of Medicines
Sr. No. |
Terminology/ Abbreviation
Interpretation |
1. | Alt. h. | Every hour |
2. | B.D/ B.I.D | Two times a day |
3. | Bol. | Single large dose intravenously |
4. | B.S.L | Blood sugar level |
5. | B’BF | Before breakfast |
6. | B’D | Before dinner |
7. | B’L | Before lunch |
8. | Cap. | Capsule |
9. | C with bar on top | With |
10. | D5 | 5% dextrose |
11. | DNS | Dextrose in normal saline |
12. | D.A.W | Dispense as written |
13. | Dil. | Dilute/ diluted |
14. | D.W | Distilled water |
15. | D/W | Discussed with |
16. | Fl. | Fluid |
17. | g | Gram |
18. | gr | Grain |
19. | Hr | Hour |
20. | gtt | Drops |
21. | H.S | At bed time |
22. | ID | Intra-dermal |
23. | IM | Intra-muscular |
24. | IP | Intra-peritoneal |
25. | IV | Intravenous |
26. | Lin. | Liniment |
27. | Liq. | Liquid |
28. | mcg | Microgram |
29. | mg | Milligram |
30. | mEq | Milli-equivalent |
31. | mL | Milliliter |
32. | Noct. | At night |
33. | NS | Normal saline |
34. | ½ NS | Half normal saline (0.45%) |
35. | o2 | Both eyes |
36. | OD | Once a day |
37. | oz | Ounce |
38. | p.m | After meals, afternoon or evening |
39. | p.o | Orally or by mouth |
40. | p.r | Per rectum |
41. | p.v | Per vaginal |
42. | q.d | Every day |
43. | q.i.d | Four times a day |
44. | Rep. | Repeat |
45. | RL | Ringer’s lactate |
46. | SC | Subcutaneous |
47. | SL | Sublingual, under the tongue |
48. | s.o.s | As an when required |
49. | Stat. | Immediately |
50. | Supp. | Suppository |
51. | Susp. | Suspension |
52. | Syp. | Syrup |
53. | Tab. | Tablet |
54. | Tbsp | Tablespoon |
55. | Tsp | Teaspoon |
56. | t.i.d/ t.d.s | Three times a day |
57. | Top. | Topical |
58. | TPN | Total parenteral nutrition |
59. | W | With |
60. | w/o | Without |
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Dr. Himanshi is a Homoeopathic consultant and currently working as a lecturer in Post-graduate faculty of Homeopathy, Parul University, Vadodara. Completed BHMS and MD in Homeopathy in January 2018 and also has a clinical experience of about 6 years. Personal interests include reading, spending time with family and traveling.