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Alpha FetoProtein Test (AFP) for Pregnancy and Test Procedure,Results

An Alpha-FetoProtein Test (AFP Test) checks the level of AFP present in the blood of a pregnant woman. The AFP is a biological substance in the immature liver cells of a fetus (when the baby is in the womb). The AFP is produced by the yolk sac and liver of the fetus that circulates through the fetus and mother’s blood. Alpha-FetoProtein is the most abundant plasma protein found in the human fetus. The quantity of AFP in pregnant women can help determine if there are complexities related to Spinabifida, Omphalocele or Anencephaly.

Generally, the Alpha-FetoProtein test is conducted between 14 to 22 weeks of pregnancy and the best accurate results are observed in the 16th or 18th week. The AFP check is a part of a triple screen or quad screen in the pregnancy trimester.

The Alpha-FetoProtein test can also be executed as a screening test to find problems related to chromosomal like Down syndrome or Edwards Syndrome or another birth defect. This screening test also checks the levels of HCG, Estriol and Inhibin A. The positive result of the screening test means that the baby is more likely to develop a birth defect.

The Alpha-FetoProtein Test is Conducted to:

  • Determine the problems related to spinal (neural tube defects) and brain.
  • Test for the developing baby of a pregnant woman for Down Syndrome
  • Detect cancers related to ovaries, testicles and ovaries.
  • Check the working of treatment for cancer.
  • Check for hepatoma (liver cancer) in people who have cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis B.

The AFP test is essential for women who are at a high risk of having children with birth defects, are above the age of 35, have a family history of birth defects or have diabetes.

Alpha-FetoProtein Test Procedure:

The pregnant lady is checked for her weight as it is one of t determine the test results of Alpha-FetoProtein. Other factors that would be affecting the AFP test include age, race and number of weeks of the pregnancy.

A needle is inserted into the upper arm vein to collect the blood sample at the diagnostic lab. The AFP test takes few minutes and is relatively painless. The Laboratory expert will analyse the sample and report the observed results.

AFP Tumor Marker:

The Tumor is a cancer tissue created by cancer itself. With the treatment, their levels can increase or decrease according to the operational results. They are useful in screening test and diagnosis as the marker. AFP is one of the tumor marker used for liver cancer screening test and other cancers like ovaries and testicles.


The high value in the AFP test result indicates;

  • The baby’s age is miscalculated
  • The women can expect twins or triplets
  • The fetus has a neural tube defect
  • The fetus has omphalocele complications
  • The fetus is no more a living organism

In non-pregnant adults (males and females) the high value of Alpha-FetoProtein indicates the danger of cancers related to testicles, ovaries and liver or problems of alcohol abuse.

The Low Value in the Alpha-FetoProtein Test Result Indicates:

  • Inaccuracy in the dating of pregnancy
  • Down syndrome and chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus
  • Death of the fetus
  • Multiple babies like twins or triplets

A normal AFP test result is not an assurance of a normal pregnancy or a healthy baby.

The AFP test results are affected by smoking, multiple babies in a pregnant lady, gestational diabetes, or if you had a medical test that used radioactive tracers. You need to inform your doctor about your smoking, recent medical check-ups, alcohol and other related matter before the AFP test.


The risks related to AFP test are very scarce. A small bruise may develop where the needle is inserted to collect a blood sample at the arm. In very rare cases it may cause phlebitis which is the swollen vein. These are very minute problems and won’t last for more than two days and would be relatively harmless.

People with bleeding disorders and consuming blood thinning medications like Aspirin or Warfarin may be affected by ongoing bleeding after the AFP test.

Liver Cancer Screening:

Non-pregnant adults having high proportions of AFP may have diseases related to liver like Cirrhosis. The presence of AFP greater than 500 ng/ml indicates liver cancer. Liver cancer is also termed as ‘Silent Killer’ as the signs and symptoms of this disease do not visibly appear unless in the advanced stage. So the patients who are at a higher risk of growing liver cancer need to have timely liver cancer screening test and also ultrasound examination.

Alpha-FetoProtein test is used as a screening test regarding liver cancer because the majority of the liver cancers produce AFP in varying proportions.

A small instrument called “Transducer” is placed on the liver sending sounds in the abdomen. A computer analyses the echoes to create an image and detects the abnormalities.

In patients with liver cancer and abnormal AFP levels, the Alpha-FetoProtein test is used as a marker in respond to the treatment. If successfully the liver cancer is eliminated surgically, then the AFP proportion is expected to reduce to normal. This is the diagnostic use of AFP as a tumor marker.

AFP test is essential for pregnant ladies so that they can assure the health issues of the developing baby. Also for the individuals with liver cancer risks.

Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Sameer Kumar (MBBS, MS, FMAS, DMAS)Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Published by
Devesh Purohit

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