General What is a Serum Creatinine Test? Preparation, Procedure and Results of Test Serum creatinine test is done to measure the level of creatinine present in blood. Creatinine refers to waste product generated…
General What are Diagnostic Tests for Neurological Disorders The health of the brain and the spinal cord ensures physical wellness and proper functioning of other organs in the…
Tests & Procedures, Women 7 Most Important Medical Tests for Women It is often said that routine checkup is important for everyone to stay fit. Women should undergo some important medical…
General Diagnostic Tests for Zika Virus and Symptoms,Treatment for Zika Virus Most of us would hardly have heard of the Zika virus disease or Zika, as it is commonly known. The…
General What is Sigmoidoscopy Test ? Procedure,Preparation and Risks of Sigmoidoscopy Test Most of us would definitely be frightened of the word Sigmoidoscopy, as it does sound rather frightening. But, you certainly…
General What is Abdominal Ultrasound? Reasons, Risks, and Preparation of Abdominal Ultrasound Test All of us must have heard of Ultrasound test or scan, a very common name in the world of diagnostics….
General What is a PET Scan?Preparation and Difference Between PET Scan and CT Scan PET or PET Scan stands for Positron Emission Tomography. It refers to a specialized radiology method and is used to…
General What Tests are Done to Determine COPD? The lung is a very important organ in the human body which ensures that the respiratory functions take place as…
General, Tests & Procedures 6 Medical Tests Smokers Should Undergo During Their Next Checkup There is hardly any need to elaborate on the harmful effects of smoking tobacco in various forms. Both smokers and…
General What is a Lactose Intolerance? Tests, Types, Causes and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance Are you or your loved ones suffering from any of these symptoms quite often- abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, or vomiting?…
Cancer What are The Screening Tests for Colorectal Cancer? Symptoms and Signs of Colorectal Cancer Colorectal cancer is the cancer that affects the colon or the rectum. It is also referred to as colon cancer….
General What is the Normal Blood Oxygen Level? Causes of Hypoxemia and Hyperoxemia Oxygen is the key to our brain and heart health. The body can survive without water and food for a…